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An overview of the best AI solutions in 2024

The AI solutions that will shape recruitment in 2024.

September 29, 2020
Olly Keell
December 27, 2023

Recruiting top talent is a crucial aspect of any organization's success. However, finding the right candidate can be a time-consuming and expensive process. This is where AI comes into play. The use of AI in recruitment has been growing rapidly over the last year and is expected to become even more advanced in 2024. 

Here, we look at where things stand in the recruitment world, the best solutions for your recruitment business, and the steps you can take to fully embrace the AI revolution. 

  1. The current state of recruitment and its challenges
  2. Best AI solutions in recruitment 2024
  3. Best practices for implementing AI in recruitment

1. The current state of recruitment and its challenges

The recruitment landscape has evolved significantly in recent years, with the advancement of technology playing a big part in transforming traditional practices. AI is now at the forefront of the next wave in recruitment, similar to how LinkedIn changed the game. However, despite these advancements, recruitment still faces a couple of challenges:

The skills gap: The skills gap poses a significant challenge for recruiters. As industries continuously evolve (especially in the AI space), there is a growing demand for candidates with very niche skill sets. The demand is currently higher than the supply and it will take time for people to learn new skills to meet that demand. So recruiters may often find themselves competing within a small talent pool.

Labor market: With the rise of flexible work and higher-paying industries, the labor market has been hit by a turnover like never before. People from low-pay, manual labor industries are changing careers to jobs in tech, marketing, and other online-based jobs for higher wages and flexible work. Recruiters now need to adapt to new hiring trends and figure out which industries are sinking ships.

Despite these, AI is here to stay and offers much to be optimistic about.  

2. Best AI solutions in recruitment for 2024

As the industry becomes increasingly competitive, the demand for skilled professionals rises, compelling recruitment companies to adopt intelligent systems. So let’s get into the top AI recruitment solutions that will shape 2024.

AI-powered resume screening

Gone are the days of manually sifting through stacks of resumes and spending countless hours on initial screening. With AI technology, companies can now automate the resume screening process altogether. Studies have shown that 99% of Fortune 500 companies are using AI tools to screen resumes to narrow down the large list of applicants for a job and that technique will most likely be adopted by the vast majority of recruiters in 2024.

AI screening systems utilize sophisticated algorithms to analyze resumes, extracting key information like skills, qualifications, and experience, and matching them against specific job requirements. It’s a more advanced AI tool than uploading a resume into ChatGPT against a job description.

Using AI screening systems can help you quickly identify the most qualified candidates, reduce the time-to-fill, and allow you to make decisions faster. Not to mention, the benefit for the overall candidate experience, as applicants receive prompt feedback on their application status.

Furthermore, It can also help to eliminate bias in the initial screening process by focusing solely on the candidate's qualifications and skills, disregarding any personal information that can sometimes lead to unconscious bias.

Top AI resume screeners:



Chatbots for candidate engagement

Chatbots have been widely adopted by many businesses as virtual customer service agents. They automate customer engagement and answer the majority of FAQs of a business. 

This will be a lot more prevalent in the recruitment world, come 2024. Used by larger recruitment businesses, or those with a bigger budget for website building, Chatbots answer FAQs, provide relevant information about the company, job requirements, and the application process, and schedule interviews.

They’re also available 24/7, alleviating the hassle of having to log back onto your computer to answer a candidate’s email during dinner.

Beyond engagement and general questions, chatbots also play a vital role in initial screening. By leveraging AI algorithms, chatbots can ask candidates a series of predefined questions to assess their qualifications and fit for the role.

Installing your very own recruitment chatbot into your website will require a good chunk of your web budget, but can make a world of difference.

Top Chatbots:




AI Video interviewing platforms

Traditional candidate interviews can be time-consuming with all the note-taking, scheduling, and asking of questions. However, video interviewing platforms equipped with AI analysis offer a more efficient approach. Of course, this should be used for initial screening and not replace your job entirely.

These platforms offer recruiters a solution to skip the first round of interviews or initial screening by setting up video interviews with candidates and a virtual AI note-taker.

Candidates will be asked a series of questions in real time, and based on their responses, will be asked follow-up questions or proceed further with the interview. The platform then uses advanced algorithms to analyze various aspects of the candidate's interview and gives them a score.  

You can set specific parameters and criteria, and the AI algorithms will evaluate candidates accordingly.

While AI analysis in video interviewing platforms presents numerous benefits, it’s important to strike a balance between technology and human judgment. AI analysis should be seen as a tool to enhance recruitment processes rather than replacing human involvement entirely.

It can augment your capabilities and provide valuable insights, but the final decision should still rest on the expertise and experience of yourself–a human.

Top AI Interview Platforms:




Predictive analytics software

Using advanced algorithms, predictive analytics analyzes vast amounts of data from various sources, such as resumes, notes, and tags within an ATS, and online assessments. It then identifies patterns and trends to predict which candidates are most likely to succeed in a specific role or which job has a faster time-to-fill grade.

Using a predictive analytics tool itself is simpler than it sounds, but the majority of your work falls into feeding it the data it needs to make better decisions.

You’ll have to make notes along the way, and ‘tag’ your candidate with as much information as possible in your ATS.

With all the historical data, predictive analysis can help you have a better understanding of the following: 

  • The time it takes to fill the role
  • Cost of filling
  • Candidate experience 
  • Diversity
  • Quality of hire
  • Predictive tenure of the candidate

However, it's important to note that predictive analytics is not a silver bullet. You should still exercise your expertise and judgement while considering the insights provided by predictive analytics.

Top predictive analytics software:


IBM Watson Recruitment Tool

Bullhorn Canvas

AI-driven employee referral programs

Employee referral programs are revolutionizing the recruitment process and look set to replace traditional word-of-mouth referrals in 2024.

These AI-driven solutions use matching algorithms to identify the best candidates within an employee’s collective network. The software then automatically engages with the right employee.

It acts as a collective platform where existing employees are incentivised to help you recruit a candidate, and get a reward.

There are some variations to the employee referral programs, as some of them are based solely in-house and keep tabs on the skills of existing employees to promote from within.

Best AI-driven employee referral programs:




ChatGPT as your assistant recruitment consultant

If you apply the tips that we gave you in our blog about ChatGPT, you’ll have a well-rounded assistant recruiter at your service.

In 2024, the best skill you can have is AI skills and as a recruiter, you can automate the following:

Efficient Resume Parsing: ChatGPT can quickly analyze and extract relevant information from resumes, and give you pointers on whether a candidate is a good fit or not for the job description.

Business Development: Automate your client outreach by using ChatGPT to create various sales templates for your prospects. It will also segment them

Job descriptions: Create captivating job descriptions that will entice candidates to apply for your job. 

Engagement: You can respond to any email by copying and pasting the contents into ChatGPT and asking for a response.

Marketing: Stay on top of all your LinkedIn and other social media posts by having ChatGPT create them in bulk for you to copy, paste, and edit. 

The list goes on. Having ChatGPT at your disposal will quickly be your best tool in the kit as a recruiter. 

Best ChatGPT alternatives: 




3. Best practices for implementing AI in recruitment

It's crucial to follow the best practices to ensure optimal results when using AI. Here are some key practices to consider:

1. Clearly define your objectives: Before implementing any AI solution, clearly define your recruitment goals and objectives. Determine what specific challenges you want to address, is it reducing time-to-hire, improving candidate quality, or enhancing diversity and inclusion efforts? This will help you select the right AI tools.

2. Choose the right AI tools: There are tons of AI recruitment tools, like chatbots, resume screening platforms, AI recruitment marketing tools, and video interviewing platforms.

Assess your needs and select the tools that align with your objectives. Consider factors like: 

  • Ease of integration - Is it easy for you to use and understand or will it take just as much time to do manually?

  • Scalability - Can this help me scale my business or am I paying a lot for something that only saves me 2 mins per day?

  • Compatibility with your existing systems - Does it work well with the main recruitment systems I use every day? 

These answers will help you in figuring out which tools are right for your operation.

3. Evaluate data quality: AI systems rely on data to make informed decisions, so it's essential to ensure the data you feed into the system is of high quality and representative of diverse candidate pools. Regularly evaluate your data sources, make sure you’re adding as much information as possible every step of the way into your ATS, and clean your data every 2 months.

4. Train and upskill your team: While AI can automate many aspects of the recruitment process, it's crucial to train your team on effectively utilizing and managing these tools. You can delegate specific AI tasks to different team members, for example, AI tools for Step 1: Candidate screening, and sourcing. Step 2: Candidate interviews, Step 3: Skill assessments. Each member can learn and implement tools for each step.

5. Maintain a human touch: While AI can streamline and enhance the recruitment process, it's important to maintain a human touch throughout, after all, it is your job and candidates value personalized interactions and genuine connections–no one wants to be interviewed by a robot.

6. Monitor and iterate: AI solutions are not a one-time implementation. You have to continuously monitor its performance, gather feedback from your team and candidates, and make necessary adjustments to improve its effectiveness. Regularly review your recruitment metrics and fine-tune your AI systems to align with your evolving goals and changing market dynamics.

With these growing solutions, you can automate up to 90% of your work as a recruiter from finding candidates, and engaging with them to interviewing them. Embrace the power of AI while keeping the human element intact, and you'll be well on your way to attracting top talent and making more informed hiring decisions in 2024 and beyond.

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