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7 Best AI Job Description Writing Tools

No recruiter or hiring manager writes their job descriptions manually today, these are the best AI tools that can write it for you.

July 26, 2021
Yuma Heymans
October 7, 2024

You're a recruiter, drowning in a sea of job requisitions, each demanding a unique, compelling description that'll magnetize top talent.

Your coffee's gone cold, your creative well's run dry, and you're seriously considering outsourcing your job to a particularly clever golden retriever. Fear not, fellow talent hunter! The cavalry has arrived, and it's packing some serious silicon.

Welcome to the brave new world of AI-powered job description tools.

These digital wordsmiths are here to transform your recruitment game from a slog through the synonym swamps to a zippy joyride on the expressway of efficiency. So buckle up, buttercup – we're about to turbocharge your hiring process.

The AI Generated Job Description

Now, before you start imagining some dystopian future where robots are writing job ads for other robots (spoiler alert: that's just LinkedIn), let's break down what these AI tools actually bring to the table.

  1. Time-saving sorcery: Remember those all-nighters you pulled, fueled by stale pizza and desperation, trying to churn out 50 unique job descriptions? AI tools can whip up a draft faster than you can say "ping me your resume." Tools like GoHire offer templates that adapt to your specific role and company needs, letting you focus on the fun stuff – like figuring out how to tactfully ask candidates if they can juggle flaming chainsaws while reciting the company mission statement.
  2. Consistency is key: Ever noticed how your job descriptions start sounding like they were written by completely different people after your third Red Bull? AI tools like Workable ensure your company voice stays consistent, whether you're hiring a CEO or a professional cat herder.
  3. SEO wizardry: In the cutthroat world of online job postings, your ad needs to stand out like a unicorn at a horse convention. AI tools like RecruitRyte optimize your descriptions with the kind of keyword magic that makes search engines purr and candidates click.
  4. Multilingual marvels: Global talent pool, meet global job descriptions. Tools like Easy-Peasy.AI can spit out job ads in more languages than you can name European countries. (No, Narnia doesn't count.)
  5. Compliance companion: Nothing kills the hiring buzz quite like an accidental legal faux pas. AI tools like Datapeople keep you on the straight and narrow, ensuring your job descriptions are as compliant as a golden retriever at obedience school.

The Crème de la Crème of AI Job Description Tools

Now that we've whetted your appetite for AI-assisted recruitment, let's dive into the tools that are making waves in the industry. These digital dynamos are here to turn your job descriptions from "meh" to "marvelous" faster than you can say "You're hired!"

1. Datapeople: The Bias-Busting Brainiac

Datapeople is like having a team of Harvard linguists and diversity experts crammed into your laptop. This tool doesn't just generate job descriptions; it puts them through a rigorous obstacle course of inclusivity and effectiveness.

Website: https://datapeople.io/

Key features:

  • Bias detection: Sniffs out sneaky gendered language like a truffle pig hunting for hidden prejudices.
  • Readability analysis: Ensures your job description doesn't read like the terms and conditions of a nuclear submarine manual.
  • Best practice alignment: Keeps you in line with industry standards, so you don't accidentally ask for "10 years of experience in a technology that's only existed for 5."

Pro tip: Use Datapeople to give your existing job descriptions a makeover. You might be surprised at how many unintentional biases are lurking in your "perfect" posting.

2. GoHire: The Swiss Army Knife of Recruitment

If Batman were a recruiter, GoHire would be his utility belt. This all-in-one platform doesn't just stop at job descriptions; it's got more features than a sci-fi spaceship.

Website: https://gohire.com/

Key features:

  • Job description templates: A treasure trove of role-specific templates that adapt faster than a chameleon in a Skittles factory.
  • Applicant tracking: Keeps tabs on candidates so you don't have to play "Where's Waldo?" with resumes.
  • Interview scheduling: Because playing calendar Tetris with candidates is about as fun as a root canal.

Pro tip: Use GoHire's screening questions feature to weed out candidates who think "attention to detail" means occasionally glancing at their work between TikTok sessions.

3. Recooty: The Polyglot Powerhouse

Recooty is the linguistic gymnast of the AI job description world. It's flexible, free, and speaks more languages than a United Nations interpreter after a triple espresso.

Website: https://recooty.com/

Key features:

  • Multilingual support: Create job descriptions in over 200 languages, from Afrikaans to Zulu.
  • AI interview question generator: Because "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" is so 2010.
  • Onboarding tools: Helps new hires feel welcome faster than you can say "orientation packet."

Pro tip: Use Recooty's multilingual capabilities to tap into global talent pools. Who knows? Your next star employee might be a coding prodigy from Timbuktu.

4. Narrato: The Tone-Deaf Whisperer

Ever tried to write a job description for a hip tech startup and ended up sounding like a Victorian schoolmarm? Narrato is here to save you from yourself.

Website: https://narrato.io/

Key features:

  • Tone and style customization: Adjusts your writing from "stuffy corporate" to "cool startup" faster than you can say "ping pong table in the break room."
  • Workflow automation: Keeps your team on track like a digital sheepdog herding words instead of wool.
  • Industry alignment: Ensures your job descriptions speak the lingo of your sector, so you don't accidentally ask for "code ninjas" in your accounting department.

Pro tip: Use Narrato to create a consistent brand voice across all your job postings. It's like Auto-Tune for your recruitment efforts.

5. Workable: The Template Trove

Workable is like having access to the Library of Alexandria, but instead of ancient scrolls, it's full of job description templates. And it's a lot less likely to burn down.

Website: https://www.workable.com/

Key features:

  • Extensive template library: More templates than you can shake a stick at (not that we recommend stick-shaking as a recruitment strategy).
  • Tone customization: Choose from generic, formal, or friendly tones, depending on whether you're hiring for a law firm or a ball pit testing facility.
  • Quick generation: Whips up job descriptions faster than you can say "We're looking for a rock star ninja unicorn developer."

Pro tip: Use Workable's tone customization to tailor your job descriptions to different departments. Your IT team and your sales team probably shouldn't sound like they're from the same planet, let alone the same company.

6. HighPerformr: The Customization King

HighPerformr is for those times when you need a job description as unique as a snowflake... if that snowflake had very specific skills in Python and could bench press its own weight in databases.

Website: https://highperformr.com/

Key features:

  • Role-specific customization: Tailors job descriptions to fit roles tighter than spandex on a superhero.
  • Privacy focus: Keeps your company secrets safer than Fort Knox... if Fort Knox were really into protecting job descriptions.
  • Unlimited generations: Create as many job descriptions as you want, because sometimes 50 just isn't enough.

Pro tip: Use HighPerformr for those really niche roles. Need a blockchain expert who also speaks fluent Klingon? HighPerformr's got you covered.

7. Easy-Peasy.AI: The Polyglot Prodigy

Easy-Peasy.AI is like the United Nations of job description tools, but with better catering and fewer diplomatic incidents.

Website: https://easy-peasy.ai/

Key features:

  • Multilingual support: Crafts job descriptions in over 40 languages, because talent doesn't always speak your language.
  • Advanced AI models: Uses cutting-edge AI to ensure your job descriptions are sharper than a samurai sword at a sushi restaurant.
  • Flexible customization: Adapts to your needs faster than a chameleon in a disco.

Pro tip: Use Easy-Peasy.AI to create job descriptions for international branches. It's like having a local recruiter in every country, minus the jet lag.

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