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LinkedIn connection invite limit and how to bypass it

LinkedIn has introduced a new weekly limit of 100 LinkedIn connection invites. This is a way to bypass that limitation.

September 29, 2020
Yuma Heymans
September 7, 2022

The new LinkedIn connection invitation limit

You might have encountered this while you were busy extending your network, doing business development or recruiting people.

This means you have reached the newly introduced weekly limit of 100 LinkedIn connection invites. LinkedIn enforced this connection limit to “ensure that our members only receive relevant requests”. 

Definitely annoying if you want to recruit people, do marketing automation or have other ways of trying to get interesting conversations going.

The restriction will be applied to all users. But as of now, some users are still not affected. The assumption is that LinkedIn is still testing the new limit on a selection of users and extending the restriction.

Now you probably want to know what ways there are to get around this limit.

How to bypass the LinkedIn connection invite limits

There is a way to go around the connection invite limits. You can send connection invites through email. These connection invites are not counted as part of the weekly 100 connection invite limit.

The only downside is that you have to choose from standard connection invite messages and therefore you can’t add a personal message like when you connection directly in LinkedIn.

Here’s is a step by step approach to send connection invites per mail.

Step 1. Go to your connections page.

  • Go to ‘My network’ on the top of your screen
  • Then hit ‘Connections’

Step 2. Go to your connections page.

  • Go to ‘More options’ on the right side of the page.

Step 3. Select ‘Invite by email’.


Step 4. Copy /paste the email addresses.

  • Copy and paste the email addresses of the candidates that you want to invite
  • If you don’t know how to get email addresses of candidates read this guide
  • Select the message you want to include (unfortunately it is not possible to include a custom personalized message with this method of connecting)

Step 5. Connection invites sent.

After hitting Continue, the candidates will receive an invite in their mailbox with your selected message that looks like this.

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