Using people data in a smart way can bring an edge to your recruiting approach.
Data is everywhere, but useful data is not. Many people talk about data like it's up for grabs.
But judging data on accuracy and relevancy is something that requires knowledge and experience.
People data, used in recruitment, is particularly complex.
Job titles can have dozens, sometimes hundreds of synonyms...
Skills data can be desperately outdated...
Work performance data rigged...
Diversity data wrongly interpreted...
Some data can be risky territory...
The good news, when used correctly, data is your best friend.
Zoom out, before you start sourcing look at the big picture.
Expand your understanding of the talent market you are recruiting in, get a helicopter view and make a talent map.
This is how to do a talent mapping
And when you're sourcing, source full-pool (using all possible sources):
The Full Pool Sourcing Method™
Don't forget about GDPR when you're processing data. GDPR is not a 'let's get it over with' kind of thing.
GDPR in Recruitment: DON’T do this
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