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The limitations of LinkedIn Recruiter Lite

LinkedIn Recruiter Lite is a really lite product of LinkedIn Recruiter.

September 29, 2020
Yuma Heymans
December 28, 2022

Did you know that your LinkedIn Recruiter Lite subscription can only find people who are within your network?

That means that LinkedIn Recruiter Lite subscription only lets you find:

  • 1st degree connections: people who you're directly connected with
  • 2nd degree connections: people who are connected with your own 1st connections
  • 3rd degree connections: people who are connected with your own 2nd connections

Everyone else for you is invisible when you're using LinkedIn Recruiter Lite.

There are also other limitations using LinkedIn Recruiter Lite:

  • InMails: maximum of 30 InMails every month
  • Search: 20 search filters instead of the 40 search filters available in LinkedIn Recruiter
  • Collaboration: multi user account is not available
  • Reports: not available

An alternative would be to get on the LinkedIn Recruiter license, but this will cost you around €880 per month per user (see LinkedIn Recruiter pricing here).

There are more affordable options available to find and reach all the LinkedIn profiles (including profiles outside of your network).

HeroHunt.ai is an alternative to LinkedIn Recruiter (Lite) and lets you find and reach all LinkedIn profiles, including people outside of your network.

And that for a smaller price than LinkedIn Recruiter Lite.

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