The browser extension that transforms how you recruit

Find potential candidates in a variety of platforms and add them to automated engagement flows, straight from your browser.

Start for free
Browser extension

Turn profiles into hires, fast

Stop manually sending messages, turn on autopilot with the HeroHunt Browser Extension.

Create lists

Easily create lists of your favourite candidates straight from LinkedIn.

Find contact details

Find verified email addresses of potential candidates you find.

Automate outreach

Automate every touchpoint in the recruiting process.

AI powered recruitment

Add another layer on top of LinkedIn

Turn LinkedIn Recruiter or even your free LinkedIn account into a recruiting automation engine.

'No more manual one-on-one outreach messages... My job as a recruiter changed entirely with a single browser extension.'

Automate engagement

Let send automated personalized messages based on candidate information

Straight from LinkedIn

Transform LinkedIn in an automation engine for candidate engagement

More replies, more hires

Say goodbye to manual actions and start getting more replies than ever

Automate LinkedIn

Contact finder
Outreach automation
Reply tracking