A behavioural interview is a type of interview that focuses on your past behaviour in order to predict your future behaviour. This type of interview is often used in order to assess your fit for a particular job.
A behavioural interview is a type of interview that focuses on an applicant's past behaviour in order to predict their future behaviour. This type of interview is often used in fields such as customer service, sales, and management.
In a behavioural interview, the interviewer will ask the applicant questions about specific situations they have faced in the past. The interviewer is looking to see how the applicant handled the situation, what their thought process was, and what the outcome was.
The interviewer will also be looking for key behavioural traits, such as problem-solving skills, adaptability, teamwork, and customer service skills.
Behavioural interviews can be quite challenging, as the interviewer is looking for specific examples of past behaviour. However, preparing for a behavioural interview in advance can help to make the process much easier.
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