Cultural fit is match between the company's values, beliefs and behaviors and the candidate's.
Cultural fit is the degree to which a job applicant's values, beliefs, and behaviors match those of the organization. Many organizations use cultural-fit interviews as a way to screen job applicants and ensure that they will be a good fit for the organization's culture.
In a cultural-fit interview, the interviewer will ask questions about the applicant's values, beliefs, and behaviors. The interviewer will also try to assess the applicant's fit with the organization's culture by observing their body language and tone of voice.
Questions about values might include:
Questions about beliefs might include:
Questions about behaviors might include:
In addition to asking questions, the interviewer will also be observing the applicant's body language and tone of voice. The interviewer will be looking for signs that the applicant is comfortable with the organization's culture and values.
The cultural-fit interview is just one tool that organizations can use to assess job applicants. Organizations should also use other methods, such as skills tests and work samples, to assess job applicants.
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