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Culture Fit

definition, synonyms and explanation


cultural fit, culture match

What is Culture Fit

Culture fit is the degree to which a candidate's values, beliefs and behaviours align with those of the organisation. A good culture fit is essential for a harmonious and productive workplace.

Culture Fit explained

Culture fit is the degree to which an individual's values, attitudes, and behaviours are compatible with those of an organization. It is a term often used in the business world to describe the alignment between an employee and an organization. A good culture fit is when an individual's values, attitudes, and behaviours are compatible with the organization's culture. A bad culture fit is when an individual's values, attitudes, and behaviours are not compatible with the organization's culture.

Culture fit is important because it can impact an individual's job satisfaction, job performance, and turnover. Individuals who are a good culture fit are more likely to be satisfied with their job, perform well, and stay with the organization for a longer period of time. Individuals who are a bad culture fit are more likely to be dissatisfied with their job, perform poorly, and turnover.

Culture fit is often assessed during the hiring process through interviews, resume screening, and reference checks. Organizations can also assess culture fit through employee surveys and exit interviews.

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