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Generalist Recruiter

definition, synonyms and explanation


What is Generalist Recruiter

A generalist recruiter is someone who recruits for a variety of positions within an organization. They may be responsible for sourcing and screening candidates for a variety of roles, as well as conducting initial interviews and providing feedback to hiring managers. Generalist recruiters typically have a wide network of contacts and are skilled at sourcing passive candidates.

Generalist Recruiter explained

A generalist recruiter is a professional who specializes in recruiting for a variety of different industries and job types. They are often involved in recruiting for entry-level positions, as well as more senior-level positions. Generalist recruiters typically have a wide network of contacts and are able to source candidates from a variety of different channels. They may also have a specific focus on one or more industries, which allows them to have a deep understanding of the skills and experience that these industries require.

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