It depends entirely on the company and the position being filled.
The number of candidates who are shortlisted for final interview varies depending on the company and the position. For example, a company might shortlist 10 candidates for a final interview for a managerial position, but only 3 candidates for a final interview for an entry-level position. The number of candidates who are shortlisted for final interview also varies depending on the number of applications received. For example, if a company receives 100 applications for a position, they might shortlist 20 candidates for a final interview.
This is a difficult question to answer, as there are many factors to consider. The first factor is the size of the company. A small company may only need to interview a few candidates before making a decision, while a large company may need to interview many candidates. The second factor is the type of position being filled. A position that requires specialized skills may require a longer interview process, as the company wants to be sure they are hiring the best candidate. The third factor is the company's budget. A company with a limited budget may only be able to interview a few candidates, while a company with a large budget may be able to interview many candidates.
The best answer to this question is that it depends on the company and the position being filled. There is no set number of candidates that all companies should interview before making a hiring decision.
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