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Recruiting question answered

What are the three types of recruitment?

The short answer

There are three types of recruitment: internal, external, and a combination of the two.

There are three types of recruitment: internal, external, and a combination of the two.

Internal recruitment

Internal recruitment is the process of filling a position with an individual who is already employed by the organization. External recruitment is the process of filling a position with an individual who is not already employed by the organization. A combination of the two is when an organization uses both internal and external recruitment to fill a position.

Internal recruitment has a few advantages. First, it is less expensive than external recruitment because the organization does not have to pay for advertising or search firm fees. Second, it is faster because the organization does not have to spend time screening and interviewing candidates who are not already employed by the organization. Third, it may result in a better match because the individual who is already employed by the organization is familiar with the organization’s culture and values.

There are also some disadvantages to internal recruitment. First, there may be a limited pool of qualified candidates because the position may require specific skills or experience that not many individuals employed by the organization have. Second, there may be a conflict of interest if the individual who is being considered for the position is friends with or related to someone who already works for the organization. Third, the individual may not be willing to leave their current position for the open position.

External recruitment

External recruitment has a few advantages. First, it gives the organization access to a larger pool of qualified candidates because the organization is not limited to only those individuals who are already employed by the organization. Second, it may result in a better match because the organization has a wider variety of candidates to choose from and can select the individual who best fits the position. Third, the organization may be able to find an individual with the specific skills or experience that the organization is looking for.

There are also some disadvantages to external recruitment. First, it is more expensive than internal recruitment because the organization has to pay for advertising and search firm fees. Second, it is slower because the organization has to spend time screening and interviewing candidates. Third, the individual may not be familiar with the organization’s culture and values.


A combination of the two types of recruitment has some advantages. First, it gives the organization access to a larger pool of qualified candidates because the organization is not limited to only those individuals who are already employed by the organization. Second, it may result in a better match because the organization has a wider variety of candidates to choose from and can select the individual who best fits the position. Third, the organization may be able to find an individual with the specific skills or experience that the organization is looking for.

There are also some disadvantages to a combination of the two types of recruitment. First, it is more expensive than internal recruitment because the organization has to pay for advertising and search firm fees. Second, it is slower because the organization has to spend time screening and interviewing candidates. Third, the individual may not be familiar with the organization’s culture and values.

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