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Recruiting question answered

What is a technical sourcing recruiter?

The short answer

The role of a technical sourcing recruiter is to proactively seek out and identify potential candidates for open positions.

A technical sourcing recruiter is a professional who specializes in sourcing and recruiting candidates for technical positions. Technical positions can include anything from engineers and software developers to IT and product managers. A technical sourcing recruiter understands the specific skills and experience required for each technical role and is skilled at identifying and attracting candidates with the right qualifications.

The role of a technical sourcing recruiter is to proactively seek out and identify potential candidates for open positions. This involves using a variety of sourcing techniques, such as online research, networking, and social media. Once potential candidates have been identified, the recruiter will reach out to them and attempt to build a relationship. If a candidate is interested in a particular position, the recruiter will help them through the application and interview process.

A successful technical sourcing recruiter is knowledgeable about the latest recruiting trends and technologies. They are also well-connected in the technical community and have a strong understanding of the skills and experience that employers are looking for.

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