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Recruiting question answered

What is an inbound Sourcer?

The short answer

Inbound sourcers are responsible for attracting candidates through social media, job boards and other channels.

Inbound sourcers are responsible for attracting candidates to a company through various means, such as social media, job boards, and employee referrals. They play an important role in the recruiting process by ensuring that a steady stream of qualified candidates are available to be interviewed by hiring managers. Inbound sourcers typically have a background in human resources or marketing, and they use their skills to identify potential candidates and create targeted recruiting campaigns.

The most important responsibility of an inbound sourcer is to attract candidates to a company. This can be done through a variety of channels, such as social media, job boards, and employee referrals. Inbound sourcers use their skills in human resources or marketing to identify potential candidates and create targeted recruiting campaigns. By attracting a steady stream of qualified candidates, inbound sourcers play an important role in the recruiting process.

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