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Amadeus Group

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staffing & recruiting

talent, executive search, retail, technology, sport, hospitality, aged care, corporate advisory, tourism, leisure, career navigation, keynote speaking, recruitment process outsource, outsourcing, cosourcing


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580 Church St, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3121


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Amadeus Group is a leading Agile first Management Consultancy. The work force is changing, no longer will companies have large quantities of full-time staff instead they will need to embrace talent eco-systems where collaboration, short-term assignments (gig economy) and a job for now not for life will precede and overhaul the industrial way. So we embarked on a mission to build our own workplace of the future; an eco-system of passionate consultants in both management consulting and talent consulting who's primary aim is to enable organisations to stay relevant and ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing world.We do this by providing a range of talent solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of an organisation and we deliver these solutions using Agile methodology to enable rapid results and continuous improvement from day 1. Amadeus has three core areas of capability: **Co-Sourcing / Recruitment Process Outsourcing:Amadeus delivers highly bespoke Co-Sourcing and RPO solutions to the SME market, saving companies time and money whilst delivering talent they otherwise couldn't acquire. Our typical client has between 20 - 2000 employees with a limited amount to invest in HR but still requires access to the best talent and talent strategies. Our model enables organisations to scale up and down depending on the business cycle without harbouring fixed employment costs and time consuming performance management issues. We combine leading technology, people, process and change management to deliver game changing outcomes. **Targeted Search / Executive Search:Amadeus delivers efficient and cost effective executive search in an agile first way. We provide full transparency over the process and tap into highly developed trusted networks. Organisations use this service for three core reasons: 1) The assignment is confidential and requires a sensitive approach 2) Deficiency across internal capability and/or time poor 3) Exploration of the entire market before a decision is made on hiring. **Independent Management ConsultantsWe have a network of Principals who have deep specialisation in areas such as; Technology, Defence, Digital Transformation, Cyber and Change Management. Should your organisation be looking to pull together a team to define a strategy and implementation program reach out to Amadeus to understand how we enable this with speed, efficiency and cost sensitivity to keep you ahead of your competition. Connect today for a refreshing experience:

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