Recruitment agency

Dial a Student

Agency details, location and contact

Dial a Student employment agency has been supplying reliable, hard working temporary student staff for over 30 years.

South Africa

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staffing & recruiting

parttime jobs for young professionals, parttime jobs for young professionals & young professionals for all industries, young professionals for all industries


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23 Jan Smuts Ave, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, 2001


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Since 1988, more than 250 000 part time jobs were filled with students and over 25 000 clients have used our services in roles that include computer programming, call centre response, barmen, waitresses, promotional agents, models, etc. Indeed, such is the success of the company that Dial a Student has expanded to include specific and tailored divisions, including Dial a Driver, Dial a Tutor, Dial a Stocktaker, Dial a Waiter, and Dial a Character.
Established in July 1988, Dial a Student was created in response to the astute assessment of two complimentary growing markets: the ongoing need for organised and fair student employment, and a increasing requirement for businesses to access immediate, temporary yet educated staff.
Over the years clients have included many of South Africa's leading companies, such as Liberty Life, Nedbank, Discovery, BMW, Deloitte and Touche, Anglo American, Shoprite Checkers, Coca Cola etc.

Dial a Student has a pool of over 6 000 temporary staff on its books. It ensures that all its students receive a competitive yet fair rate for each job. The screening and selection process is tough, ensuring that everyone accepted by Dial a Student is sufficiently qualified and trained for the work they will be assigned. By working while they are studying, students earn extra income and gain valuable experience in various industries. This can provide them with extra leverage when applying for a permanent job once they have graduated.

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