Recruitment agency

Kelly Group

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South Africa

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staffing & recruiting

permanent placements, temporary staffing, recruitment process outsourcing, consulting services, people resource planning solutions, skills development services


staffing & recruiting


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6 Fredman Dr, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa, 2196


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Kelly Group is an Adcorp Group of Companies that encompasses specialist staffing solutions across a spectrum of sectors and industries, as well as focusing on skills development. Kelly Group is a consolidation of more than 45 years of industry knowledge, combined with a wealth of proficiency through engaged interactions, offered through a variety of brands:

Kelly and Sizano Staffing deliver temporary, contract and permanent placements whether in administration, call centre, engineering & technical, executive search, HR & procurement and ICT across various industries and sectors nationally.

M Squared MSP is a leading provider of Managed Service Employment Solutions, focusing on outsourcing of the recruitment process, customised recruitment strategies, policies and process in the world of work.

Torque IT is the leading ICT training solutions provider to blue chip companies, the public sector and the youth in Africa and beyond. It enjoys the highest level of accreditation with global technology leaders.

Kelly Industrial is the leading specialist in industrial staffing solutions. Kelly Industrial is able to mobilise the right people, flexi or permanent nationally, to enable its Clients to achieve their business objectives.

InnStaff is a leading player in the South African hospitality industry providing services in outsourced management, hospitality consulting, outsourced workforces, food and beverage, concierge, housekeeping, recruitment, HR & IR consulting for its Clients.

Anglo African is a specialist staffing brand within the Group and offers unique solutions to Blue Chip organisations within the transport, warehousing, retail and energy sectors.The range of professional services offered is broad and comprehensive ensuring innovative and quality functional outsourcing to Clients.

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