Chmura is a top labor market analysis software consultant that provides labor market data solutions and consulting for workforce development, economic development, and higher education.
Data are at the heart of Chmura. As individuals, organizations, and communities, we rely on accurate, timely data to help make critical decisions and plan for growth and improvement. The team at Chmura is dedicated to developing tools and services with that need in mind. Whether developed through customized consulting projects, delivered via off-the-shelf reports, or compiled through our software tools such as JobsEQ®, our data help you answer complex questions and implement effective solutions.
Data are at the heart of Chmura. As individuals, organizations, and communities, we rely on accurate, timely data to help make critical decisions and plan for growth and improvement. The team at Chmura is dedicated to developing tools and services with that need in mind. Whether developed through customized consulting projects, delivered via off-the-shelf reports, or compiled through our software tools such as JobsEQ®, our data help you answer complex questions and implement effective solutions.
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