Put people at the center of compensation with Agora’s groundbreaking compensation management software, from total rewards to equity breakdowns.
Agora is building a modern platform for total compensation. We help companies figure out how to pay their employees by making data-driven decisions. We are building a system of record for salary bands and job ladders with dashboards for analytics. We are disrupting old industry software and manual compensation surveys by leveraging technology and integrations to provide real-time analytics and data. Our mission is to bring transparency to compensation -- for companies, employees, and candidates.
Agora is building a modern platform for total compensation. We help companies figure out how to pay their employees by making data-driven decisions. We are building a system of record for salary bands and job ladders with dashboards for analytics. We are disrupting old industry software and manual compensation surveys by leveraging technology and integrations to provide real-time analytics and data. Our mission is to bring transparency to compensation -- for companies, employees, and candidates.
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