pymetrics' gamified skills assessments leverage behavioral science and AI technology to help companies build diverse and innovative teams.
pymetrics is now part of Harver. Harver is the industry leading hiring solution helping organizations optimize their talent decisions. Rooted in over 35 years of rich data insights backed by I/O psychology and cognitive science, Harver delivers a suite of automated solutions that enables organizations to engage, hire, and develop the right talent in a fast and fundamentally less biased way. Having processed over 100 million candidates, Harver provides trusted, data-driven, and adaptable offerings, including assessments, video interviews, scheduling, and reference checking. Harver has helped more than 1,300 customers, including, Peloton, Valvoline, and McDonald's, take the smart path to the right talent.
pymetrics is now part of Harver. Harver is the industry leading hiring solution helping organizations optimize their talent decisions. Rooted in over 35 years of rich data insights backed by I/O psychology and cognitive science, Harver delivers a suite of automated solutions that enables organizations to engage, hire, and develop the right talent in a fast and fundamentally less biased way. Having processed over 100 million candidates, Harver provides trusted, data-driven, and adaptable offerings, including assessments, video interviews, scheduling, and reference checking. Harver has helped more than 1,300 customers, including, Peloton, Valvoline, and McDonald's, take the smart path to the right talent.
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